Unraveling NASA’s Lunar Mystery: Could Enigmatic Figure in Photo Signal Existence of Extraterrestrial Life?

If seeing is believing then these lunar images from NASA and Google Earth seem to prove that there really is a Man on the Moon. A video posted on YouTube by user wowforreal shows pictures of what seems to be a vaguely humanoid figure striding across the pockmarked surface of the Moon, casting a shadow.

The owner of the video, YouTube user wowforreal, started investigating the shadow after receiving an online tip from another web user, Australia’s 9News reported. Wowforreal was also careful to post a link to an article that points out the photo could be explained in a number of ways, including as a trick of light.

Until NASA comes up with an explanation, here’s the video:

The geometric lunar feature dubbed a ‘mystery hut’ has stumped scientists, who say they plan to take a closer look

An intriguing cube-shaped object spotted on the far side of the moon has attracted the attention of scientists.

The rover’s images immediately sparked debate as to what the cube-shaped object was and inspired humorous guesses. “Was it a home built by aliens after the crash landing? Or is it the pioneer spacecraft of the predecessors to explore the moon?” writes Our Space.

Whatever the cube-shaped object is, we will have to wait another few months before getting an answer—until then, it’s fun to speculate on what the “mystery hut” could be.