Incredible Footage: Massive Wolf Pack Embarks on Bold Hunt for Elk Herd in Yellowstone National Park

The footage first focuses in on the massive herd of 300 plus elk, who all of the sudden start sprinting in the same direction. The video zooms out to show that a pack of 20 or so wolves have started running down an incline towards the elk, and at that point it’s a race for survival.

All of the animals in the clip are showing off their top speeds, but a couple of younger elk start lagging behind, and the wolves start to hone in on one that they feel is the weakest.

Sypniewski provided some commentary on the video when he posted it to Instagram, saying:

“One of the most thrilling mornings I’ve ever had in Yellowstone. Sitting alone atop a rocky ridge, I watched a scene unfold that I am not sure I will ever see again.

People in the comments section of the post felt grateful that they got to see such a fascinating moment in nature, but also couldn’t help but feel bad for the elk that didn’t make it:

“I know that it’s a part of the circle of life but I just can’t stand when they capture one of the little critters.”

“I mean, thrilling and absolutely tragic simultaneously?”

The “holy cow” actually works there Instagram user, considering female elk are called cows.