Mother Bear’s Heroic Act: Saving Cub Trapped in Garage with Unbelievable Door Opening Trick, a Heartwarming Rescue

He slips and swings monkey-style, clinging on with his front two paws and trying to hoist himself back up.

The bear cub starts off trying to hoist himself him onto the beam, having slipped off before the camera started rolling

After a struggle he rights himself and starts to creep gingerly along the beam

Distracted by the noise of the garage door opening he slips once again

At that moment the garage door starts to slide upwards and the cub starts yelping excitedly.

When the camera next pans round to the entrance, momma bear is standing there, having come to the rescue and somehow managed to open the sliding door.

Or at least that’s what it looks like. The source of the video hasn’t yet been identified and her reaction is almost too human to be real.

She stands on her hind legs in the garage doorway, propping up the door with one paw, her head cocked slightly to one side disapprovingly as though saying ‘I told you it wasn’t a good idea!’

Dropping back down onto all fours and disappears behind a parked car.

The camera pans round and focuses on mommy bear, reaching up to open the garage door so that she can get at her cub

With encouragement from his mom the cub carefully lowers himself onto a ladder which is propped up against the wall

The bear shimmies down the ladder to safety and finally his ordeal is over

Seeing his mother gives the cub a courage boost and he shifts over toward a ladder propped up against the wall before carefully shimmying down.