Conexión Conmovedora: Perro Sin Patas Delanteras Empodera a Cachorro con Condición Similar, Inspirando Momentos Conmovedores de Triunfo y Esperanza

Dog with no front legs teaches puppy with same condition how to walk

She is mom to not one but three differently-abled dogs: Nessie, Frankie, and Ali.

But Nessie McNubbins was her first.

Nessie is a two-legged chihuahua. She was born without her front legs. She has the most adorable nubs instead.

Poor Nessie was returned to the same shelter three times after adopters found the task of taking care of Nessie to be too difficult or not what they expected.

“She’s like a little kangaroo. I don’t think Nessie got the memo that she’s not supposed to be able to do the things that she does,” Theresa told The Dodo.

“She’s up and down the stairs, she jumps up and down from the furniture, she just hops around like nobody told her that she shouldn’t.”

And Frankie didn’t just learn by watching Nessie.

El video muestra a la pequeña Frankie de costado luchando por moverse.

Nessie salta hacia ella y se coloca con el lado de su cabeza paralelo y descansando en el suelo y su trasero recto hacia arriba en el aire.

Se puede ver que estaba tratando de hacer que Frankie hiciera lo mismo.

Una vez que ve que Frankie está concentrada en ella, se levanta.

Pero siendo la linda cachorra que era, Frankie se distrajo un poco por un ruido en el fondo.

Sin embargo, eso no significa que no estuviera prestando atención en absoluto y no entendiera la lección.