Heartwarming Connection: Front-Legless Dog Empowers Puppy with Similar Condition, Inspiring Tear-Jerking Moments of Triumph and Hope

Dog with no front legs teaches puppy with same condition how to walk

She is mom to not one but three differently-abled dogs: Nessie, Frankie, and Ali.

But Nessie McNubbins was her first.

Nessie is a two-legged chihuahua. She was born without her front legs. She has the most adorable nubs instead.

Poor Nessie was returned to the same shelter three times after adopters found the task of taking care of Nessie to be too difficult or not what they expected.

“She’s like a little kangaroo. I don’t think Nessie got the memo that she’s not supposed to be able to do the things that she does,” Theresa told The Dodo.

“She’s up and down the stairs, she jumps up and down from the furniture, she just hops around like nobody told her that she shouldn’t.”

And Frankie didn’t just learn by watching Nessie.

The video shows little Frankie on her side struggling to move around.

Nessie hops over to her and positions herself with the side of her head parallel and resting on the floor and her butt straight up in the air.

You can tell she was trying to get Frankie to do the same thing.

Once she sees that Frankie is focused on her, she rises up.

But being the cutie little puppy she was, Frankie was a little distracted by a noise in the background.

That, however, didn’t mean that she wasn’t paying attention at all and wasn’t understanding the lesson.