Doggy paddle! Amazing pictures of swimming dog

This is a real doggy paddle! These amazing pictures of a SWIMMING DOG will make your day.

Coco riding on Jessica’s shoulder

Nautical pooch Coco loves splashing around in the ocean, floating through the crystal-clear waters like a mongrel mermaid.

Coco riding on Jessica’s friends shoulder

These stunning snaps were taken by the pup’s owner, Jessica Barcerra, off the coast of Honolulu, Hawaii.

Jessica swimming with Coco

Jessica, who got the aquatic terrier when she was a puppy seven years ago, said: “Coco only started swimming two years ago – she loves the water, but dislikes the cold!

Coco swimming

“At first, she had a difficult time – but after being in the water with me for 30 minutes she soon learned how to manoeuvre her way around.

Coco swimming

“She’s a natural swimmer.

“When we’re in the water she never leaves my side – she hops on my back and sits while I snorkel.”