Breaking Chains of Sorrow: Dog Chained Up for Years Finally Experiences Love, a Heartbreaking Tale of Neglect and Redemption

Just by looking at all the pictures below, you can tell right away that the girl in our story today had a really tough life before she was rescued. Her neck fur was all black, caused by the heavy chain she had around her neck.

It's possible she'd been chained up her whole life.

Violet was about 2 years old when they found her, and it’s possible she’d been chained up her whole life.

Violet and other dogs were then taken into the care of the county sheriff’s department and NMDOG.

After rescuing Violet and other dogs, the San Miguel County Sheriff’s Department and NMDOG, an organization experienced in rescuing chained dogs, stepped in to provide assistance and took these abandoned dogs under their control.

They took the pack of dogs to the vet for some much-needed medical care. At that time, Violet was in bad shape—sunburned skin and a condition called flystrike, where maggots eat away at a poor animal’s flesh.

“She was very, very afraid, and is still a little timid,” Angela said. “If you raise your hand to do something, or move your hand too fast, she kind of ducks and cowers, like you’re going to hit her. I can’t imagine what somebody did to make her do that. But she is coming around with nice words and good, positive interactions.”

She’s learning to trust people and becoming more comfortable in her new environment day by day. She’s also learning how to play, enjoy life, and be a happy pup.

Angela Stell hopes she’ll find a loving home where she’s part of the family and gets to live indoors.

“She needs a home that will treat her as a member of the family, and keep her inside with them the majority of the time, because she’s really going to be prone to sunburn,” Angela said. “She needs a little princess home.”