Siberian Enigma: Miners Uncover Mysterious Permafrost-Entombed Statue of an Angel with Shield and Sword in the Depths of Siberia

Miners of the Elga coal deposit (Yakut) in Siberia dug up a strange statue in the form of a woman with a sword and shield, and behind it there seem to be wings, like a fallen angel. The statue was unearthed by an excavator.

Miners show their emotions and enthusiasm when they are standing next to the statue. If the translation is right, they say that they cannot describe or tell what it is and that right now the special services will arrive by helicopter to pick up the statue to an unknown location.

angel: Was a Russian fallen angel found? Viral TikTok video claim explored

Further study and examination by experts may be required to determine the significance of this potentially valuable ancient artifact, but since the special services are involved, it remains to be seen whether we will hear anything about it in the future.

The mystery of Siberia's exploding craters

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