Amazing Footage: Incredible mother bear shields her cubs from Yellowstone tourists while they feast on an elk calf, displaying fierce maternal instinct

Bears like elk too…

What’s not to like, though? Elk are one of the best tasting game animals out there.

With mature bulls pushing 1,000 pounds., they are an animal built of pure muscle, packed with lean and tasty meat.

However, the kind of areas they reside in are generally home to many other species as well… especially predators. We’re talking about wolves, mountain lions, and bears… all of which love to get a hold of some elk meat.

As a mama bear, they have their work cut out for them. They have to teach one or more cubs how to hunt and survive while trying daily to keep them alive so they can learn to do so.

Bears can be very opportunistic and happily will eat road kill instead of hunting. Their whole lives consist of getting food as easy as they can, and roadkill is a lot easier than tracking down and killing a living animal.

In the video, a group of bears can be seen tearing into an elk carcass like it’s the last meal they’ll ever eat. It’s both mesmerizing and a little bit unsettling to watch, but that’s nature for ya.

The mother bear is on edge with the group of tourists stopping to watch. She circles in front of them keeping people as far away as she can so her young can get the meal they need.

But as wild and ferocious as these bears may seem, it’s important to remember that they are a vital part of the natural ecosystem and play a crucial role in maintaining balance in their environment.

Seeing a wild animal feed like this is a dream of many wildlife chasers.