Eerie Sighting: Triangular UFO Mysteriously Hovers Over Vladimir Putin’s Home City, Captured in Chilling Footage

A recent UFO sighting has some conspiracy theorists wondering if Russia’s president is being advised by aliens.


Video footage captured what appears to be three static glowing lights in a triangle formation hovering above St. Petersburg, home to Vladimir Putin.

The anomaly was seen by Vyacheslav Golonkin and has been viewed more than 68,000 times by UFO hunters who are trying to unravel the mystery.

Scott C. Waring from UFO Sightings Daily posted the clip today on his blog with an opinion to what this bizarre sighting might be. ‘This looks like a TR3B, or similar technology near Putin’s home. This isn’t the first time Putin has been accused of being in cohorts with alien life or receiving cutting-edge technology from them

‘I noticed the object above the mountain and began to film it,’ Golonkin said.

‘It moved slowly down the mountain and faded out as it got lower’.

The ‘saucer’ stood still for about two and a half minutes and then appears to burn out.

Scott C. Waring from UFO Sightings Daily posted the clip today on his blog with an opinion to what this bizarre sighting might be.

‘This looks like a TR3B, or similar technology near Putin’s home,’ he shares on his site.

‘If it is a TR3B, it means Putin has some serious tech!’ 

A recent UFO sighting has some wondering if Russia’s president is being advised by aliens. This enhanced image appears to be an alien space craft that stood still for two and a half minutes during the  and then appears to burn out from the overcast

According to the DarkGovernment website, The TR-3B is a tactical reconnaissance craft code named Astra which has been developed under the top secret Aurora program.

Another theory suggests that the bright lights hovering over St. Petersburg are part of a military exercise.

‘The explanation has long been known: launch of cluster flares by military exercise,’ shares UFOs on Earth.

‘This are very terrestrial objects – big flares with the parachutes, dropped for the training in aerial shooting by our interceptors. Such cluster of flares called in a Russian military slang ‘lustra’.’

But this isn’t the first time Putin has been accused of being in cohorts with alien life.

Video footage captured what appears to be three static glowing lights in a triangle formation hovering above St. Petersburg, home to Vladimir Putin. The anomaly was captured by Vyacheslav Golonkin and has been viewed more than 68,000 times by conspiracists who are trying to unravel the mystery

Last year, alien hunter Simon Parkes, a councilor in Whitby, North Yorkshire, claimed the Russian president was seeking advice from a group he called ‘Nordics’ – an alien reptiles species.

Parkes, who claimed he was visited by extra-terrestrials in his mother’s womb, said the correspondence between the two ‘is on par with America’ during a Q&A session in Wallsend, North Tyneside, reports UFO International Project.

‘Putin had been part of a group advised by reptiles,’ Parkes said.

‘Nordics made the counter offer to Putin.’

‘The technology the Nordics are giving to Putin is on par with America.’

‘If its aliens visiting Putin, then he may have just acquired some very powerful friends,’ Waring writes. ‘Either way, Putin is winning’. A plane is seen flying overhead of the hovering object that some feel makes this sighting credible, while others aren’t completely sold on the claim that it is a UFO

The ‘saucer’ was seen hovering over Vladamir Putin’s hometown, St. Petersburg, Russia. This isn’t the first UFO sighing to come from the large country

Parkes spoke to an audience of about 30 individuals as he said, ‘The Nordics have told Putin he no longer has to toe the American line, hence his resistance.’

He also claimed to have had a lovechild with an extraterrestrial called Zarka, which caused tension between him and his human wife.

Waring seems to be on board with Parkes’s claims of an alliance between Putin and a species not known to our planet.

‘If its aliens visiting Putin, then he may have just acquired some very powerful friends,’ Waring writes.

‘Either way, Putin is winning’.

UFOs seem to be drawn to the massive country, as another sighting earlier this year was captured on film.

The video was shot by Russian man Mikhail Litvinov who said he spotted the device leaving a huge plume of gas behind it as it plunged to earth on the outskirts of the central Russian city of Kemerovo.

According to the DarkGovernment website , The TR-3B is a tactical reconnaissance craft code named Astra which has been developed under the top secret Aurora program. Pictured is an artist’s impression


UFO? The video was shot by Russian man Mikhail Litvinov who said he spotted the device leaving a huge plume of gas behind it as it plunged to earth on the outskirts of the central Russian city of Kemerovo