Abandoned Dog’s Desperate Attempt to Rejoin Owner’s Car Captured in Heartbreaking Video. But Finally The Forever Happiness Comes to Him So Soon.

Spare a thought for this poor pooch while tucking into Christmas dinner this year, and give your own pets an extra hug to make sure they feel loved! CCTV footage in Stoke-on-Trent, UK, has shown the heartbreaking and definitely un-festive moment that a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, nicknamed Snoop by his rescuers, was cruelly abandoned by his owners.

“The footage has to be seen to be believed, it’s just awful,” animal welfare officer Natalie Perehovsky said about the incident. “To see the poor dog in such obvious distress jumping up at the car as it drives away it just heartbreaking. I can’t understand how someone could do this.”

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) has launched an investigation into Snoop’s case, after a passer-by discovered him sitting miserably alone on the street, in the bed that his owner had callously thrown out with him. “The vets scanned his microchip and we have traced two previous owners in the Birmingham area, but do not believe either are the current owners and therefore not those responsible for abandoning the dog,” Officer Perehovsky continued.

“One man can be seen clearly in the footage dumping the dog, and there is a second person in the driver seat of the car. I am very keen to hear from anyone who recognizes the vehicle, the man or the dog.”

“The veterinary staff have nicknamed the dog Snoop, and he is in good condition, thought to be two years old. He is a white Staffie with black marking and is such a friendly, lovely boy. He’s currently being cared for at a private boarding kennel where he will get all the care he needs whilst I investigate further.”

“It beggars belief that someone could abandon a dog like this at Christmas, but we are so thankful to the kind people who found Snoop sitting sadly in his bed, for taking him to the safety of a vet straight away.”

CCTV footage captured the heartless actions of Snoop’s former owners

Poor Snoop, who initially appears to have thought his owners were playing a game with him, tried desperately to get back in the car, even chasing after it as they tried to drive away. He now needs a loving home with people who will care for him, at just 2 years old he has seen three ‘owners’ come and go. His heartbreaking story is a timely reminder for anyone who is getting a new pet for Christmas: these animals are loving and loyal, and truly suffer when you abandon them. If you really find yourself unable to handle the responsibility of properly caring for your pet, at least take them to a shelter, where they can be looked after until a new home is found!

After The Video Of A Dog Who Didn’t Realize He Was Being Abandoned Went Viral, Snoop Dogg Offers To Give Him A Home

It’s 2019 so it’s time to start the year with some positive news! Or at least a silver lining to a rather sad story. While much of the world is overwhelmed with the celebrations of Christmas and New Year, it seems that everybody is acting their best and the world is slowly turning into a better place. Unfortunately, the reality is not as pretty since there are still people who still have enough evil in their hearts to dump their pets in the street before Christmas.

The video was originally shared by Rachel Butler who works as a regional manager for RSPCA, an animal welfare charity

In an interview with Bored Panda, RSPCA‘s press representative said that they are grateful to all the millions of people who have shared this dog’s story across the world.

The employees at the shelter named the puppy ‘Snoop’

“Snoop is such a loveable character and enjoys being around people and gets on well with other dogs. He just loves getting close to people, sitting between their legs and having cuddles, and is certainly enjoying lots of love and affection from our staff.”

After the story went viral, many famous people offered their homes to Snoop

Including the iconic rapper Snoop Dogg who stated “There is always room for another dog in Casa de Snoop”

“We have been overwhelmed by the hundreds of supportive messages for Snoop and all the people who have offered to give him a home, including some well-known faces such as rapper Snoop Dogg.” Unfortunately, the dog cannot be rehomed at the moment since Snoop is being moved to a rehomed center this week where professionals will check Snoop’s health in order to find him the perfect owners.

“Our investigation about who dumped him is still ongoing and so we continue to urge people who have any information to contact us on 0300 123 8018”