Smile That Steals Hearts: Cleft Lip Puppy Finds New Family, Embracing Her Unique Smile with Overflowing Love!

As soon as this couple met Rosie the golden retriever puppy, they knew that they wanted to make her part of their family. Lacey, 29, and her partner Matt, 28, found the dog at a shelter for pets with cleft lips. They fell in love with Rosie’s sweet face immediately, especially when they saw her smile! Now, she’s fitting right into her new home and getting to know her sibling, Ranger.

“It was love at first sight,” Lacey recalled to Newsweek. “When we stumbled upon the post for adoption, we literally felt called to put in an application for her. We knew that we could give her the life that she deserved.”

She added, “Rosie is so special and we are so lucky that we get to be her parents. She brings smiles to everyone’s faces and also helps to spread awareness.”

Rosie’s cleft lip adds to her unique charm, so her parents aren’t in a hurry to have it fixed. They may have some of her teeth removed, but only if doctors believe it’s necessary. However, they’re willing to consider other surgeries if the puppy’s condition leads to any issues down the road.

“The vet said that it makes her smile extra big,” said Lacey. “We will see specialists in the future to make sure she doesn’t have any health concerns, but as of now we take all the precautions that we need to.”

For now, though, Rosie’s parents think she’s perfect just the way she is. In fact, they believe that her adorable face and friendly personality would make her a wonderful candidate for service training.

“She is always keeping us laughing,” Lacey explained, “Our goal is to get her to be a certified therapy dog so she can continue to bring happiness to people at times when they need it most.”

Rosie is already spreading joy to thousands of people through TikTok, where her owners have been posting some of her cutest moments. Social media users have been gushing over the puppy, showering her videos with likes and positive comments.

Watch the clip below to see this cutie pie taking a nap!

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