From Fear to Love: Rescued Dog Finds Hope and Happiness with Her New Beloved Family – A Tale of Transformation and Joy

A little dog found shaking and terrified in a ditch got a second chance at life and she’s loving every minute of it.

The poor pup had been abandoned in a ditch with nothing but a blanket. She spent the night cold, hungry, and shivering before rescuers discovered her.

Diana with SpookyKittyKats in Houston, Texas rescued the little pup and named her Mica.

At first, she was clearly terrified, but it didn’t take long before she warmed up to her savior. As soon as Diana got Mica into the car, she snuggled up into her lap. She seemed to be comfortable and trust her.

Diana gave Mica a bath and then contacted her friend, Samantha, who rescues and fosters dogs. Samantha took Mica in and welcomed her into her home as a foster.

Thankfully, she warmed up to her foster family quickly and seemed to be genuinely happy.

It wasn’t long before Mica found a forever home that she deserved, and she’s loving her new life and family. Her adoptive family renamed her Ewa, and is giving her plenty of love and care that she deserves.

The Dodo did a story on her and said, “Mica was found shaking in a ditch. After being rescued, she was adopted by the perfect family. Now her new name is Ewa and she loves to steal her family’s shoes.”