Terrified lion runs for its life after a herd of buffalo chase it away

Even the King of the Jungle knows when he is outgunned, and facing an entire herd of buffalo, this lion made the wise decision to leg it.

The brilliant pictures showing an absolutely terrified lion with dozens of buffalo hot on his heels, were captioned on the Masai Mara in Kenya by two photographers on safari. Initially, the buffalo were approached by a lioness from the male lion’s pride, but before she could attack the bovine, the herd noticed the presence of the hunters.

Moving as one, the herd turned on the lion and his lioness and began running towards them to chase them off.

The lioness appears to have sped off out of sight, but the male lion, not accustomed to running neither after or in front of his dinner, is left behind with terror in his eyes.

Laurent Renaud and Dominique Haution captured the hilarious reverse hunt while on safari in the Masai Mara National reserve, Kenya.

Mr Renaud, 55, said: ‘You could see the fear in the lion’s eyes.

‘When we pulled up, the cats were just lying in the bush. But buffalo don’t like lions being nearby and they turned on them quickly. The lions didn’t need a second invitation to flee and they got out of there sharp.’

Video: Brave buffalo herd save friend from LION attack (related)

Source: dailymail.co.uk