Heartfelt Loyalty: A Loyal Dog’s Years Next to Owner’s Grave, and the Bittersweet Emotions When Rescued

Dog Refuses To Leave His Owner’s Grave

Losing family can be hard for a pet, and it’s even harder when that person is the only family the pet had.

when Snupik’s owner passed away, the poor pup refused to leave his owner’s side – even when it meant sitting by the side of a grave.

Despite people approaching Snupik and offering to take him home, the heartbroken dog refused to leave the cemetery. He didn’t seem to like people much and just wanted to be near his owner’s grave.

The homeless dog was surviving in the cemetery from hands-out that people would offer him, but he wasn’t doing very well.

Eventually, his health deteriorated to the point that someone would need to step in if Snupik was going to survive. Thankfully, a rescuer named Olga learned of Snupik’s situation and was quick to find the dog and take him in for a check-up.

While the dog growled at the rescuer as she approached, she was ultimately able to pick him up and get him to safety.

Once at the veterinarian, they discovered that Snupik was very sick. He was suffering from a severe ear infection, swollen legs, and he had a tumor. Things weren’t looking up for the dog, but Olga was about to turn his life around for the better.

Snupik ended up making a full recovery under medical supervision and was given the all-clear to head home. Rather than return to the cemetery, Olga took Snupik home and he settled right in! After interacting with her other rescue dogs and seeing how much she cared for him, Snupik turned into a completely different dog.

Now, he’s living his best life with other dogs to play with and a house to call home.

Check out the video below: