Boxer Puppy Covered in Ticks Collapses in Stranger’s Driveway, Seeking Help

Izabella St. James is a devoted pug mom and rescuer who started the non-profit The Pug Queen to save pugs around the world and give them the life they deserve. Even though pugs have a special place in her heart, she instantly reached out to help when she came across a post about a boxer puppy infested with ticks.

The neglected puppy covered with “thousands” of ticks was found collapsed on someone’s driveway in Fresno, California. That someone was a man named Isaac who scooped her up and kept her safe until help arrived.

The Pug Queen shared the story and wrote, “She stole my heart immediately. I have never seen a dog with this many TICKS. I instantly offered to pay for her vet visit if anyone could take her to get Bravecto ASAP, an exam and testing.”

Amy from The House Of Muddy Paws, an animal rescue in Fresno, took her to a local vet and then spent hours carefully removing hundreds of ticks. She eventually had to stop because the poor dog was bleeding too much. “She has anemia so we have to be careful. The ticks will continue to die & fall off throughout the night,” the rescue shared.

The Pug Queen paid the $438 vet bill and arranged for the puppy to be brought to Los Angeles by Wayne, a foster/pug dad, for further testing and care. She is named Precious Betty and is finally getting the care and attention she needs.

She is scheduled to have further tests performed to see if she contracted any tick-borne diseases, but so far, the initial test was negative. “I would like to do a more complex, more expensive tick PCR test to be sure. I’d also like to do a Respiratory PCR test & a fecal test to make sure she has nothing contagious before I feel comfortable sending her to a Foster Home.”

Betty’s health and happiness is the top priority. Izabella wrote, “This little girl is only about 6 months old and has clearly lived a life of severe neglect, and she deserves the chance to be healthy and cared for properly. So she’ll be spending the next few days at Dogtor Slaton’s and then hopefully we’ll find her a wonderful Foster or Forever Home.”

Help Precious Betty find a loving home by sharing her story. She deserves to experience the good things in life and be surrounded by people who love her.

Check out all the pugs who are also looking for loving homes here and learn how you can help.