UFO Hunter, Allegedly Abducted 60 Times, Claims to Spot Alien Ship Resembling a Fish

Russ Kellett, 60 filmed what looks like a fish from his garden after claiming he’s been repeatedly abducted by 15ft extra terrestrial beings from the age of 16

A UFO hunter who claims to have been abducted by aliens says he has captured a flying saucer on camera.

Russ Kellett, 60, filmed what looks like a fish from his Yorkshire garden.

He said: “Just minutes into my footage, you can see the object close to the camera – and as an investigator, I look at what objects can be.

“It’s not a cobweb, as I had only just cleaned the camera… and there’s nothing around the area at all.

“It’s not rain, as I was out looking at the time it happened, and it’s not caused by mist, as it was a clear night – you can see there are stars out in the sky.

“At one point, you have something like a meteor traveling from right to left, but it seems to be traveling too long for a meteor.

“I have seen some very strange things turning up near the camera and seen objects in the background of the videos as well.”

Not only has the Yorkshireman filmed UFOs, he even claims he has also been “zapped” by one.

He said: “I was outside my house with a friend on my skywatch, when I was showing them the craft through my video camera.

“I felt a strange feeling going down and up my body then I saw a flash.

“You can see balls of light zap me.”

In previous interviews, Russ has claimed he has been “abducted at least 60 times”, starting when he was just 16.

He said: “I went through a tunnel that I’d never seen before, and the next thing I knew, I was in what looked like a dentist surgery, with 15ft tall alien men, that looked very much like Dracula without the sharp teeth, surrounding me.”