Texas Alligator’s Unbelievable Feat: Swallowing Nutria Whole at Brazos Bend State Park


Having lived in Florida for a few years, I sometimes forget that other states have to deal with alligators as well. Not as many, outside of Louisiana, but it certainly doesn’t make the thought of giant reptiles lurking in shallow water any less terrifying.

Texas is home to an estimated 400,000 to 500,000 alligators, which roam the lakes, rivers, and water ways in the southeastern part of the state.

Visitors to Brazos Bend State Park near Needville, Texas got to see one of these creatures at its finest when they happened upon one chowing down on a poor nutria.

Nutria are a large rodent which resembles a beaver. They were brought to the United States in 1899 and were introduced to Louisiana in the early 1930’s, where they were used for their furs. Their population was kept in check until a hurricane hit the area in 1941, which allowed a large amount of them to get lose and spread out across the south.

Well, one of these cute creatures ventured too close to a killing machine and ended up on the wrong side of a nature video. The nutria never stood a chance, and although the video begins with it already being eaten, I don’t think it put up too much resistance…

Even in Texas, you’ve got to be aware of dinosaurs patrolling the water.

Having lived in Florida for a few years, I sometimes forget that other states have to deal with alligators as well. Not as many, outside of Louisiana, but it certainly doesn’t make the thought of giant reptiles lurking in shallow water any less terrifying.

Texas is home to an estimated 400,000 to 500,000 alligators, which roam the lakes, rivers, and water ways in the southeastern part of the state.

Visitors to Brazos Bend State Park near Needville, Texas got to see one of these creatures at its finest when they happened upon one chowing down on a poor nutria.

Nutria are a large rodent which resembles a beaver. They were brought to the United States in 1899 and were introduced to Louisiana in the early 1930’s, where they were used for their furs. Their population was kept in check until a hurricane hit the area in 1941, which allowed a large amount of them to get lose and spread out across the south.

Well, one of these cute creatures ventured too close to a killing machine and ended up on the wrong side of a nature video. The nutria never stood a chance, and although the video begins with it already being eaten, I don’t think it put up too much resistance…