Revealing the Enigma: Unveiling UFO Debris Recovered from a Canadian UFO Crash

We’ve put together a significant trail of declassified documents – all public but many obscure – that suggest we’re far closer to the truth of UFO crash operations than most think.

From Battelle, a little known metallurgy contractor for the US Air Force, to Project Moon Dust, a space debris retrieval operation, there are many hints the US Government got its hands on exotic technology. But what’s missing from this picture? Canada.

While the USG denies any UFO crashes ever took place on its soil, Canada has already disclosed several — but they’re rarely, if ever talked about due to the somewhat convoluted way Canadian archives are organized. Thanks to the efforts of Jason Carignan, National Chief Investigator for MUFON Canada, we have three different UFO crash reports, including two where metal was recovered.

One Moon Dust file even shows the the USAF wanted access to crash debris in Canada, which isn’t surprising, given both countries’ deep relationship with UFO investigations and reporting procedures known as CIRVIS.

About the UFO debris depicted in the image above – According to a commenter on the channel of ‘It’s Redacted: The waffle shape of that debris suggests a grid of emitters. Most likely metamaterials designed to emit EM fields which dynamically compress or expand space-time locally in a bubble probably no more than millimetres or less thick.

If you want to understand why these objects shrink or expand from all angles or seemingly morph, lorentz contraction (and expansion) and controlled gravitational lensing is the closest explanation currently understood.