Baby’s Best Friend: Adorable Footage Shows Gentle Doberman Tommy Comforting Newborn Macie with His Favorite Toys

A couple’s dog has been caught on camera bringing their newborn baby girl his favourite toys to calm her down.

Baby monitors captured Doberman Pinscher Tommy putting a tennis ball in one-month-old Macie Elliott’s rocker at their home in Crawley, West Sussex.

The gentle two-year-old dog was also filmed bringing Macie his favourite cuddly teddy while the baby’s mother Hayley, 30, was in the kitchen making her a bottle.

Tommy the Doberman brought baby Macie Elliott one of his tennis balls in an effort to comfort her while she was crying in her rocker

Tommy’s owner Nick Elliott said the two-year-old Doberman, pictured bringing Macie his teddy, has been brilliant around the one-month-old

Macie’s father Nick Elliott, 32, said Tommy has been very protective of the baby, since they brought her home last month.

Mr Elliott said his wife spotted Tommy delivering the tennis ball on August 2 and the teddy on July 26 when reviewing the baby monitor footage.

He added: ‘The tennis ball was one of his balls. He put it into her rocker. He must have been trying to calm her down.

Mr Elliott posted the footage on Facebook and commented: ‘Tommy, you’re going to have to wait a little while longer to play ball with you’re baby sister I’m afraid mate!’

The couple said they prepared to bring Macie home by leaving some baby items around the house so Tommy could get used to them and for him to understand that he was not to play with them.

Speaking to MailOnline, Mr Elliott said: ‘Macie turned a month old last weekend and we did prepare Tommy before bringing her home.

‘We were more than on guard at first. We have had Tommy since a puppy and he’s just gone two.

Nick Elliott, pictured with his wife Hayley and pet Doberman Tommy, welcomed the arrival of baby Macie in July

Mr Elliott said Tommy checks on Macie whenever he passes her and has been incredibly gentle

‘He is really good with children and even puppies. Even with my grandparents, he recognises that they are frail.

‘People have a bad perception of Dobermans from films, thinking they are aggressive. But in truth, they are very intelligent dogs.

‘A dog is what you bring it up as. He is highly trained and he sticks by me when off the lead. He doesn’t run off. His recall is 100 per cent.’

‘He is a brilliant. It is a huge relief that he has settled in with baby Macie. We can’t be complacent. We are keeping a close eye on things and looking for signs. But he has adjusted really well.’

Mr Elliott and his wife prepared Tommy for Macie’s arrival so he would not get distressed or jealous when the infant was brought home

Mr Elliott said he was incredibly pleased by the way Tommy has reacted to Macie’s arrival

He added: ‘He used to do a little sad whine when she cried for the first few days, but has now become used to all the new sounds and smells.’

Mr Elliott said he and his wife have tried to keep Tommy’s routine regular so he does not become distressed.

‘I had the week off work before Macie arrived. He has taken to it like a fish to water. He is not over possessive.

‘He doesn’t get the hump if we leave him at home on his own. There is no sign of jealousy. That was something we were afraid of. But he has settled in really well.’

Mr Elliott continued: ‘He has always well surpassed our expectations at anything thrown his way, from being trained to stay at home whilst we go out, to swimming and playing with all other dogs.

Friends of the family have reacted very positively to the heartwarming footage of Tommy and Macie

After the videos were uploaded onto Facebook, Douglas Kostelic commented: ‘He is so sweet.’

Angela Girdler replied: ‘How magical. Good boy Tommy.’

James Brambley and Carol Thompson said Tommy’s reaction was ‘super cute’ and ‘so sweet’.

Terry Westlake added: ‘That dog is human.’

The couple, who are preparing to celebrate their first wedding anniversary on August 15, got Tommy two years ago, when he was about three months old.