Lifesaver Pup: Newfoundland Dog Rescues Pregnant Mom When She Needed Help the Most

When people go by Ale’s house they sometimes panic and tell her she’s got a bear in her backyard. But no, it’s just Napoleon, her Newfoundland dog. There’s nothing wild or scary about him. In fact, the dog has a heart of gold.

As Ale explains in the heartwarming video below, Napoleon helped her through a difficult pregnancy and a very scary moment. In fact, he saved her life.

When she got pregnant she was diagnosed with antepartum depression. It turned out to be a very difficult pregnancy and her condition took her to a very dark place, but Napoleon ended up being her angel and made sure she was all right not only for herself but for her baby.


After she gave birth to her son, Napoleon showed off why Newfies are considered the original nanny dogs. He is so loving and protective of her son it’s beautiful to see.