Pentagon Releases First-Ever Footage of UFO Witnessed Flying Over Conflict Zone

The first ever footage of a UFO flying over an active conflict zone has been shared by the United States. In startling footage, the mysterious metallic sphere is seen whizzing across the skies at unusual speed.

The first ever footage of a UFO flying over an active conflict zone has been shared by the United States Department of Defense.

The footage shows a mysterious metallic sphere whizzing across the skies at unusual speed. The Mirror reports that US military officials have openly admitted they have no idea what it was or where it came from.

They refuse to say exactly where the footage was captured by the MQ-9 US Reaper drone. But it shows a shiny orb zooming underneath it in a conflict zone in the Middle East last year.

The footage shows a mysterious metallic sphere (Image: Pentagon)

Investigative journalist and documentary maker Jeremy Corbell said the mere existence of the UFO creates “the probability of unintended crossfire” and “the potential for misidentification could be devastating”.

Dr Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), attended a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities.

The hearing was shown the drone footage, which appears to be monitoring a group of people in a desert setting. But just seconds into the footage a flying orb comes hurtling towards the $28m (£22m) drone, passing underneath it at high speed.

The movement is picked up by the drone’s hi-tech camera, which switches targets and begins following the mysterious globe.

The Pentagon says it has no explanation for the footage (Image: Getty Images)

Dr Kirkpatrick told the hearing: “It happened in the Middle East last year where an MQ-9 Reaper drone spotted an apparent spherical object via electro-optical sensors.

“This is essentially all of the data we have associated with this event from some years ago. It is going to be virtually impossible to fully identify that, just based off of that video.”

The sighting bears similarity to the ‘Mosul orb’ footage taken in 2016 over Iraq, which was recently released by Mr Corbell.

He told Fox News: “The rules of engagement of how and why we can fire upon objects are completely being rewritten right now.”