Touching Tale: Child’s Heartbreaking Note Accompanies Abandoned Puppy Left on Park Bench Amidst Parental Abuse

Sometimes life gives you a hard decision to make. It’s never easy, but usually, it’s for the best. Not long ago, a child had to make that decision.

On the 22nd of November, Mascotas Coyoacán received a message that there was an abandoned dog chained to a bench in a park. When they arrived, they found a terrified and lost puppy and a note beside him. The note was written by a child and said that he had to abandon the puppy named Max because the parents were abusing him and treating him very badly.

The saviors removed the chain from Max and slowly but surely made sure that the puppy learned how to not be afraid of humans and that they can give love, not only pain. The full story of Max, now named Boston, is down below. If you want to help Mascotas Coyoacán save more dogs from living on the street, click here to donate—every penny helps! Also, Max is still searching for a new home, so if you’re searching for a lifelong companion, here is the perfect one.

Mascotas Coyoacán received a message about a dog chained to a bench in a park with a note next to him

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

“On the 22nd of November, one of my collaborators from ‘Mascotas Coyoacán’ received a message warning her about a dog chained to a bench in a park and next to a note. The dog was abandoned at the place at eight in the morning and we were only notified at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. It made me think that someone would have already rescued the dog, but to our surprise, when we arrived, the dog was still in the same place surrounded by people trying to feed him from afar because at the moment, he was quite aggressive.”

When they arrived, they found the dog still there with people around him trying to feed and help the poor pooch, but he was too aggressive to approach

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

The note was in Spanish and it was written by a child. The first sentence reads: “Hello, please, adopt me, I’m Max. Please, I’m asking you to adopt this little dog and take good care of him.”

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

It reads: “Hello, please, adopt me, I’m Max. Please, I’m asking you to adopt this little dog and take good care of him. It hurts a lot to leave my dog here, but I took this decision because my family is always mistreating/abusing him and it made me so sad to see him suffering in those bad conditions. So, if you read this and you feel your heart, please, adopt him and take good care of him. If not, please, leave this note where it was, so others can read it and adopt him. Thanks.”

They soon realized the dog named Max was just a puppy and the aggression he was displaying was just fear

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

“Immediately, through a video call, we contacted a trainer who always helps us with animals that have problems with aggression so he could guide us on how to get him off the bench, as he was not letting anyone approach.

It took us almost two hours to get him out. We realized he was a puppy and the problem was fear and not that he was aggressive, but that he was terrified. With the help of several neighbors who were bringing everything, I asked for more help from the trainer, who watched everything that was happening through the video call, guiding me on how to put a noose around the dog’s neck so we could cut the chain. It took some time, but we did it.”

It took them two hours, but they managed to get Max off the bench and on a leash

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

Max soon calmed down, but was still very wary of the people around him. His saviors took him on walks to get him to warm up to them

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

“Once we managed to get him out of there, he was no longer aggressive, but we had to act with caution. I walked with him to build his confidence and help him lose his fear until we got to the car. The first thing I said was that we had to change his name which, according to the note, was Max. Since he was such a battered puppy, we would have to change his karma by changing the name. So Boston was his name now.”

They renamed him to Boston, because the name Max only meant bad things for the poor abandoned pooch

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

They got Boston into a car. He was very scared and tried to hide behind the seat

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

“When he got in the car, he didn’t want to lie on the seat, but on the floor, as if hiding. He was already showing another behavior, calmer, but still afraid. We managed to get a garage to let Boston spend the night until we found a more suitable place, as we don’t have a physical shelter. Whenever we rescue dogs, we pay boarding facilities to accommodate them until they find a permanent home, and because it was a Sunday and very late, we would not be able to contact a boarder to leave him. My team prepared the place and before I got out of the car, I started to caress him, showing him that life was not just aggression, so he relaxed and gave himself to me.”

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

The rescuers didn’t have where to keep him on such short notice, so they found a garage Boston could stay in for a day until they found something more permanent

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

“Once inside the garage, I sat on a chair and sat him next to me, started to give more affection, and I felt confident in taking off the protective glove, caressing him with my hands. Gradually advancing with him, I managed to sit on the floor and he snuggled up to my legs. I realized there at that moment that he was already ‘mine’ and would not do anything to me.

We realized that he was more afraid of men than women, making us think that whoever mistreated him could be a man. Only after a week did he start to get used to us and realize that people were sources of affection and not aggression.”

Boston warmed up to his savior Marcela and started snuggling with her

He soon realized there was more to life than aggression and abuse and that people were a source of love, not pain

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

“After a week, with him already familiar with us, we sent him to an intensive training school for 6 days. He went alone in a taxi. We thought this would be better because he would have to face his fears and see that it was not only being by my side that would have no problems and that by relating to other people, he would not be in any danger. There, he learned basic obedience such as sitting, lying down, and relating to other dogs.”

Boston was then sent to basic training, where he learned the starting commands and how to deal with other dogs

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

“After the training, he went back to where he was, which was a border we had the day after the rescue. He went through an adoption test with a person who was interested in him, but it didn’t work because Boston was very protective of the affection resource, so he wanted to be with her and he wouldn’t let another dog come. We offered a trainer to solve this problem, but the person didn’t accept it and Boston came back to us in less than 24 hours.”

Boston was almost adopted, but the person refused after 24 hours because he was still very protective and didn’t like other dogs

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

“Then the city was at a red light from COVID-19 and it was not possible to continue with the procedures for adoptions, because we always visit the place to see if it is suitable for the dog, staying at the place for about 3 hours to feel if the dog would get used to the person, and we make regular visits. Because it is a lot of physical contact, unfortunately, in this pandemic situation, it is not possible.”

Boston is still looking for a loving home that will take very good care of him and continue his training

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

“So at the moment, Boston is still looking for a loving home. He remains at a border with 14 more dogs. The owner of this house lives with his father and loves animals. He fell in love with Boston and Boston loves him. Every day, they go out for a walk and play. Boston is very playful and messy, he can’t be quiet for a minute.”

We hope that the adorable pup will find that forever home soon

Image credits: mascotascoyoacan

“We need an adopter who knows how to treat a very messy puppy who is in need of a lot of affection. It would be great to find a family that has another dog that is also very playful for Boston to spend energy with because he has a very high activity level. If they have children, it would be even better. Today, he is very happy, he is no longer afraid, and he approaches other people very easily.”