From Neglect to Nurtured: Incredible Transformation of Emaciated Pup Freed from Crate Captivity

“[It was] like watching a true miracle come to life …”

Late last year, a brown and white puppy named Hope waited in a crate abandoned near an apartment complex. Skinny and severely dehydrated, Hope wondered if anyone would find her. The pup’s prayers were answered when a Good Samaritan finally noticed her and contacted Kreitzer’s Critter Corral Puppy Rescue (KCCPR) for help.

Meeting Hope, rescue staff were heartbroken to realize the resilient girl had been fending for herself for a while.

“She had clearly been kept like this for quite some time,” KCCPR social media coordinator Cindy Simmons told The Dodo. “Not just a few hours or even a few days.”

After a day at the vet, Hope went to live with KCCPR co-founders Bill and Liz Kreitzerand. The Kreitzerands were happy to notice that, even though she was clearly struggling, Hope wasn’t giving up.

“She still stood hunched over at this point from being kept in such small confinements,” Simmons said. “Despite her past and her current situation, she was doing remarkably well!”

With regular food, medical treatments and lots of love, Hope’s condition improved. Soon, she began to transform into a completely different dog.

“Watching Hope transform was like having proud mom moments over and over again,” Simmons said. “[It was] like watching a true miracle come to life right in front of you and being so proud to play any positive part in it.”

It only took two months for Hope to find her forever family. These days, the tough girl doesn’t have to fend for herself. Her only job is to be the perfect cuddle buddy for her new parents and siblings — a role she takes very seriously.

Hope’s story is proof that when people come together to help animals, even the toughest beginnings can lead to happy endings.