The Tale of a Recently-Rescued Pup’s Playful Protest Against Walks Without Beloved Toys

“It’s his signature in our neighborhood …”

When Kevin, an 8-year-old red heeler mix, met his new mom, Alexandra Petri, his world instantly changed. Originally rescued in Tennessee, Kevin traveled all the way to New York City, where an unknown adventure awaited him.

Petri welcomed her new pup with open arms, ready to start a new chapter together. But first, Kevin needed a bath.

“We went to a self-wash place downtown for a bath, and he was so good, so I got him a toy,” Petri wrote on Twitter. “He carried it the whole walk home [and] on the bus.”

You can watch that moment here:

Kevin was immediately smitten with his toy and his new home. As weeks passed, Kevin settled in more, and his toy pile grew.

Over time, Kevin developed a routine with his mom that included long, exciting walks around the city. Just like on his first day home, Kevin started carrying a toy in his mouth on every trek.

“After a couple of days together, he started bringing toys out on his walks,” Petri tweeted. “It’s his signature in our neighborhood …”

Since becoming a city boy, Kevin is rarely seen walking around without a toy in his mouth. The sights and sounds may be overwhelming for some, but Kevin’s usually unfazed. With a soft plushie in his mouth, the sweet pup takes it all in happily.

Kevin’s tail wags propel him around the city, greeting neighbors and experiencing all the best things in life with his most prized possessions by his side.

Some of Kevin’s toys include a blue hippo, a lamb, a frog and a bouquet of flowers wrapped in newspaper. As soon as he knows that it’s time to go outside, the good boy swiftly picks a toy before heading straight to the door.

“He does have some favorites, but I can never predict which one he’ll grab,” Petri wrote on Twitter. “He always surprises me!”

Even when he’s not in the hectic city, Kevin prefers to walk with the comfort of a plushie.

“He’s done it too when we’ve taken trips outside the city,” Petri wrote. “He also brings me a toy when I get home from being out.”

Kevin eventually lets go of the toy during his walk for practical reasons, but thankfully, his mom is always there to scoop it up and carry it the rest of the way home for him.

It’s hard to know what Kevin’s world was like before he moved to the city, but he’s definitely living his best life now. As he explores more and his plushie obsession grows, his mom continues to fall more in love with her sweet boy.

“He’s beyond perfect,” Petri tweeted.