‘Very strange’ ISS live stream anomaly ‘cannot be denied’ claims UFO expert

Nasa has denied cutting the live feed to the International Space Station as a strange unidentified object flew through the shot.

UFO hunters spotted the flying object in video footage beamed back from the space station on July 9 before it abruptly cut out.

The incident led to renewed conspiracy theories that the US space agency was trying to cover up the existence of aliens.

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The latest incident occurred on July 9 and was first reported by prolific UFO hunter Streetcap1, who uploaded a video of the incident to YouTube. However, even he cautions the object could be easily explained. Other enthusiasts believe it could be the Chinese space cargo ship Tiangong-1.

Nasa has been repeatedly accused of cutting video feeds to the ISS when strange objects have floated into view.


Sightings of this kind are not uncommon, and Nasa has spoken out in the past to explain that the ‘UFOs’ and other phenomena spotted in the ISS footage often have simple explanations.

In the case of the’fireball’, the object could be a meteor or space debris – such as a discarded stage of a rocket launch – burning up as it enters Earth’s atmosphere.

Other ‘objects’ may be a result of reflections from the space station windows, structures from the ISS itself, or lights from Earth.

The skies above the home planet are becoming increasingly busy, with communications and research satellites collecting and relaying data for modern life.

But it has now insisted there is a mundane explanation for why the feed was interrupted.

A Nasa spokesman told CNET that the video feed comes from its High Definition Earth Viewing experiment on board the ISS.

This experiment has four high definition cameras mounted on the exterior of the space station that provide different angles of the Earth.

According to Nasa, the experiment is programmed to automatically cycle between the different cameras

Pointed at the Earth, the experiment is programmed to automatically cycles through different cameras.

The spokesman told CNET: ‘The station regularly passes out of range of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRS) used to send and receive video, voice and telemetry from the station.

‘For video, whenever we lose signal (video comes down on our higher bandwidth, called KU) the cameras will show a blue screen (indicating no signal) or a preset video slate.’

The post caused many alien hunters to accuse Nasa of trying to cover up the arrival of aliens.

Others have offered other explanations for the object seen moving in the footage.

Some have said it could be a low orbit satellite that appears to be descending towards the Earth’s horizon as the space station moves away from it.

Others have suggested it could be the Chinese Space Station Tiangong-1.

Other enthusiasts believe it could be the Chinese space cargo ship Tiangong-1. The Tiangong-1 space station module (artist’s depiction) is China’s first step towards its ultimate goal of developing, building, and operating a large Space Station as a permanent human presence in Low Earth Orbi

The Chinese ship recently hit the headlines amid claims China may have lost contact with its first ever space station raising fears that it could career back to Earth in an uncontrolled re-entry.

The Chinese Tiangong-1 space station module was launched in 2011 and was expected to be deorbited at the end of its life to crash into the ocean or burn up in the atmosphere.

But there are reports China has lost control of the spacecraft, meaning it could crash back into the Earth’s atmosphere, exploding into molten metal that could be devastating over inhabited areas.

The video is the latest in a string claiming Nasa cut the feed to cover up UFO sightings.

‘They should be made to explain why they are cutting off public information and debate,’ demanded one commenter.

Aliens? The feed appears to show a blue object floating ever-closer to the ISS while rotating on the horizon

Scott Waring posted the footage to UFO Sightings Daily saying the ‘UFO’ was diamond shaped and it seemed to be changing its shape

Earlier this year a Nasa spokesperson denied allegations that NASA technicians deliberately shut down transmission when UFOs appear on the live video.

According to the spokesperson, NASA never intentionally shuts down live transmission to hide UFOs.

Loss of video is usually due to loss of signals from the ISS.

In November Nasa captured a bizarre horseshoe-shaped object on its live feed of the International Space Station before transmission mysteriously went down, according to UFO enthusiasts.

The sighting (left) has prompted debate among conspiracy theorists who believe the feed was cut intentionally (right) as part of an alien cover-up being conducted by Nasa

The footage has prompted debate among conspiracy theorists who believe the feed was cut intentionally as part of an alien cover-up being conducted by Nasa.

The mysterious clip appears to show a glowing blue object floating ever-closer to the ISS while rotating on the horizon.

The feed is then apparently cut for around an hour before it resumes and a much smaller white light can be seen in the distance.

On the move: Tyler Glockner, of secureteam 10, said that when you cycle through the footage the UFO seems to be manoeuvring more on its face

Conspiracy? Glockner says the sighting is an interesting find and ‘once again directly after it appears NASA cuts the feed’

The sighting comes around two weeks since Jadon Beeson, 20, spotted a cigar-shaped object while watching a live stream from the ISS on his phone

Conspiracy theorists say this may be the same craft that has since moved away – dismissing the idea that it could be lens flare or even the moon.

The ‘craft’ was spotted by Scott Waring, who posted it to UFO Sightings Daily and wrote: ‘I saw a UFO at the space station.

‘It was diamond shaped and it seemed to be changing its shape, but I think that’s due to it moving ever so closer to the ISS.’

He claimed that shortly after the sighting the screen turned blue, which is Nasa’s way of attempting to ‘hide it from the public’.

The footage was then sent to Tyler Glockner of popular YouTube channel secureteam10, who uploaded the video alongside some of his own narration.

Speaking over the footage, he said: ‘When you play this footage quickly, it looks like the UFO changes its position.

‘When we first see it it’s more on its side, but when you cycle through the footage it seems to be manoeuvring more on its face.

‘It’s definitely another interesting find and once again directly after it appears NASA cuts the feed.’

He later added: ‘The only time when the feed tends to get cut is oddly when these UFOs appear.’

The sighting comes around two weeks since Jadon Beeson, 20, spotted a cigar-shaped object while watching a live stream from the ISS on his phone.

He told MailOnline: ‘I looked and realised there was a metal object above the Earth. It had a blue glow to it and it stayed there for about two minutes.

‘It was a metallic object, it looks like a Millennium Falcon from Star Wars or something from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I thought it was all very strange.’

A Nasa spokesperson said: ‘Reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth commonly appear as artefacts in photos and videos from the orbiting laboratory.’