Amazing Video! Black Bear Sow Crosses Road With Her Catch of the Day!

A great piece of video shared on Youtube shows a mama bear crossing the road with her little one in tow.  And in her mouth is a great big juicy salmon — dinner for the family.  And what a fish it is!  Frankly, it’s enough to make you go out and get some lox and bagels.

The mama bear is known to locals as Nikki and to the scientists who study her as Bear 25.  She’s a 21-year-old black bear identified because of the red tag she wears in her ear.  Living outside Juneau, at the US Forest Service Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center, she has gotten relatively used to the presence of humans, as you can see from her jaunty walk across the roadway.

In her somewhat advanced age, she has born some 16 cubs.  But boy, oh boy, is she ever a good fisherman.  Or fisher-bear.  Look at the size of her catch!

And as far as bear videos go it is a relief not to see someone doing anything exceedingly stupid, like trying to hand-feed the bear!

See the video below, and leave a comment if you’ve ever seen a bear with dinner in it’s mouth!

Source: Youtube; For licensing or usage, contact [email protected]