The Heartwarming Tale of a Compassionate Canine Who Soothes Frightened Foster Pups

Kristen Lee knew right away that she and her dog Remi were meant to be together when they first met three years ago. She felt a strong connection with Remi, describing him as having the biggest head she had ever seen, but loving him nonetheless. Their meeting was a serendipitous moment that brought them together as family.

At first, Lee believed that her furry companion Remi would forever be an only child due to his nervousness around other mature dogs. However, when they relocated to a bigger house with a spacious yard, Lee decided to foster abandoned puppies under the care of PJ’s Rescue. She had always aspired to assist young pups who were in dire need of love and support. When Lee welcomed the first foster puppy, she cautiously introduced the newcomer to Remi, ensuring they both felt comfortable. To Lee’s amazement, Remi didn’t exhibit any signs of fear or territorial behavior towards the little one. In fact, it seemed as if Remi was aware that the puppy required an older brother.

Lee expressed nervousness when he made the decision to try fostering a puppy with his dog. He introduced the puppy gradually, but was surprised when his dog immediately showed an instinct to protect and care for the new addition. Lee never anticipated that his dog would love the puppies as much as he does.

Over time, as Lee continued to welcome foster puppies into her home, she noticed an interesting phenomenon: the puppies were becoming extremely attached to Remi, relying on him for companionship and modeling their behavior after him. Lee observed that the puppies seemed to adore Remi, and would imitate many of his mannerisms such as his unique sitting position and even his potty training habits. In fact, it seemed that every foster puppy that came through the door would eventually adopt Remi’s sitting posture, with their legs poking out to the side.

Despite being larger than his foster siblings, Remi plays with caution to avoid causing any harm to them. Lee, a caretaker, is amazed by how gentle and careful Remi is with them. Lee finds it fascinating when Remi yawns and the curious puppies put their heads inside his mouth.

Lee is extremely thankful for having Remi, her wonderful dog who has been an amazing companion in her fostering journey. According to Lee, fostering would have been much more challenging without him as he sets a great example for the puppies.