Lonely Senior Pitbull Left All Alone During Festive Season Needs Urgent Forever Home

At a bustling shelter in Brooklyn, New York, Honey has earned herself the title of the “sweetest thing.” Despite this endearing trait, unfortunately, no one has shown any interest in adopting her. Honey was discovered wandering around as a stray and brought to the Brooklyn location of the Animal Control Centers of New York (ACC) on Christmas Eve.

Honey gave off a different vibe compared to typical stray dogs, despite her long stint living on the streets. She had manners, was housebroken, and displayed a friendly demeanor as if she belonged to an owner. Nevertheless, the circumstances of how Honey became homeless remain unknown. However, everyone who has interacted with her has concluded that she is a deserving pup in need of a loving family.

According to a volunteer at ACC who posted on Facebook, this cute little pooch seems to find joy in meeting new people and treats everyone like they’re potential new friends. The dog wags her tail frantically as soon as someone catches her attention, and will lean in for head pets. She even goes as far as standing on her hind legs to give kisses and show affection.The volunteer noted that the dog is well-behaved while on a leash, appears to be trained to use the bathroom outside, and is calm when taking treats. Overall, this furry friend has a lot of love to share and deserves to have a permanent human companion.

Regrettably, the ACC receives an ongoing influx of stray and relinquished dogs, and Honey is one of them who is running out of time. If no one adopts her or a rescue group comes forward to take her, she will be euthanized today. Honey is a mature dog, aged 8 years, hence requiring a family who has experience in caring for senior dogs and is ready to take on the responsibility.

The Must Love Dogs organization expressed their wish to provide Honey, an 8-year-old dog, with a comfortable retirement experience by finding her a loving family. They urged people not to disregard her age and to consider giving her the same chance as younger dogs.