Watch: Alaskan Grizzly Bear’s Ambitious Pursuit of a Bull Moose in the Water

Yup, this bear is going for it.

Bull moose are the largest members of the deer family. They can weigh up to 1,500-pounds, with the average in Alaska being around 1,000-pounds for a mature bull.

Due to their massive size, they can also be one of the most dangerous animas in the woods. Catching a kick from a fella this big could break a person right in two.

You would think, a grizzly bear would feel pretty similar about the situation, but nevertheless, when a big grizzly bear is hungry, everything is on the menu… even moose.

One way that moose use their long legs to their advantage is by going into water. In fact, moose love the water. During the summer months as much as 70-percent of their diet comes from water vegetation. That’s a lot for an animal that can eat up to 65-pounds a day during the summer…

Naturally, they are very good in water. They can swim well, but their long legs and height also provide the ability to run fast through deeper waters especially compared to most other animals.

This also provides a good safety net from predators.

This grizzly was very bold on this day, trying to challenge the moose in its own territory. And granted, bears swim well too, but it’s no match for a moose who can just walk along the bottom of this shallow pond.

The grizzly charges out into the water after the massive bull moose, but the crafty moose just does its best to keep a good distance between them.

Every time the grizzly charges forward, the moose just goes for a little run to get some distance, forcing the bear to exert even more energy to swim on over.

Eventually the grizzly realizes the moose is not nearly as tired as he is and thinks better of continuing the hunt.

Another day maybe…