‘Miracle Dog’ Defies All Odds And Learns To Walk After Spinal Cord Injury

When Anna got a call to help a stray dog under train tracks, she didn’t hesitate to go. With help from train staff, Anna was able to find the dog, Vova, hiding under the tracks.

The pooch was happy to see people and gently wagged his tail, but he couldn’t get up to greet them.

It was clear that he was injured and needed medical attention to survive, so they had to get creative in getting him away from the tracks and to a veterinarian.

Vova cried on the drive home. It seemed the poor dog was in so much pain and had been suffering for so long, he let it all out in the car.

After getting Vova to the veterinarian, Vova’s crying all made sense. His diagnosis was worse than they expected: Vova was suffering from a broken spine and his spinal cord was completely severed.

It was unlikely he would recover, but Anna was determined to try anything to save him. After surgery and treatment, Vova was stable enough to go home but his spine was too crooked to use a wheelchair and they didn’t think he’d ever walk again.

Anna wanted to see Vova gain some form of mobility so she got him into a renowned doctor who specialized in acupuncture. She hoped that Vova’s spine could be straightened enough to use a wheelchair and that’s exactly what the acupuncture accomplished!

Vova didn’t adjust well to his new wheelchair, but he was stubborn and determined to move. He slowly gained strength and learned to pull himself around. His back legs even helped him get around!

With continuous treatment and a desire to improve, Vova slowly began to walk! His walk isn’t “perfect” but it’s a miracle nonetheless. He can get around without a wheelchair and every time he falls, he gets back up.

It’s incredible what can happen with enough love, patience and dedication. Check out his story in the video below: