Incredible Rescue Video: Dog Who Was Missing Most Of His Face Makes A Complete Recovery

Animal Aid Unlimited, a rescue organization in India, received word of a severely injured dog who had given up hope – and had found a hole where he could quietly wait to die.

YouTube/Animal Aid Unlimited

The poor dog, later named Kalu, was missing a huge section of his face, and the wound was infected and just overall horrible. It was one of the worst animal injuries the very active rescue team had ever seen.

YouTube/Animal Aid Unlimited

Rescuers were able to get Kalu out of the hole and to safety. Despite their hope, everyone knew that their best option might be to put him down.

YouTube/Animal Aid Unlimited

“But something in his spirit convinced us to give him a chance,” Animal Aid Unlimited wrote in their rescue video. And so, against all odds, they began to treat Kalu.

YouTube/Animal Aid Unlimited

A huge part of the pup’s skull was exposed, and it seemed that his eyes were completely gone. They treated and bandaged his wounds, and then all that was really left to do was wait.

YouTube/Animal Aid Unlimited

Very slowly the dog began to heal, and on his third day after being rescued he ate for the first time …

YouTube/Animal Aid Unlimited

… and one day, as if by a miracle, his left eye appeared.

YouTube/Animal Aid Unlimited

It was only uphill from there, and the dog no one thought would survive …

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… decided to thrive instead.

YouTube/Animal Aid Unlimited

Today Kalu is completely healed. Kalu started his rescue journey with no eyes, no face and very little hope. Thanks to Animal Aid Unlimited, Kalu is getting a much deserved second chance at life …

YouTube/Animal Aid Unlimited

… and is loving every second of it.

Check out the full incredible rescue video below:

If you’d like to donate to Animal Aid Unlimited, you can check out their website for more information.