A Heartbreaking Tale: Abandoned Dog Left Alone and Struck by a Vehicle, Desperately Awaits Assistance

I received a call asking for my help with a severely injured dog that couldn’t stand up. Every time he tried, he stumbled and fell down. His condition was dire, and the cause of his injury was unknown. Upon arriving at the vet, we noticed that the dog was wet, almost as if he had been in a river. The vet examined him and found that he had a low fever of 37 degrees.

The poor lady is currently enjoying a refreshing drink, but unfortunately seems to be suffering from dehydration. Additionally, her body is covered in numerous wounds. I took her to the vet who administered some soothing fluids, and for her comfort, I have blankets and a thermophore in my vehicle.

I’m doing my best to keep her comfortable and warm. She caused me a lot of emotional pain, but I still want her to survive. It’s possible that she was hit by a car, which may have caused her current condition. To make matters worse, she was thrown into a river. Nevertheless, I’m here for her now and we’re all holding out hope for a miracle. Her name is Dara and if you could please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, it would mean a lot to us.

Furthermore, it was evident that the dog had an owner as she had a collar mark on her neck. It’s appalling to think that someone could abandon such an elderly dog. It’s highly likely that she lived her entire life on a chain. Thankfully, Dara seems to be doing much better and even had a bit of food and water. I’m relieved that we found her in time.

Despite several days of testing, there is a glimmer of hope as my furry friend wags her tail and even agrees to take short walks on her own. However, the tests have revealed concerning issues such as water in her lungs and around her heart. Moreover, she is severely dehydrated which makes it risky to put her on an IV as it could add stress to her lungs and potentially lead to fatal consequences.

After undergoing a series of therapies, Dara is now doing much better. I am giving her lots of love and attention along with the veterinarian’s treatment, which is exactly what she needs to fully recover.