Rare Footage: Hyenas Outsmart ‘King of the Jungle’ as Lions Retreat from Ferocious Encounter

A pride of lions were stripped of their dignity after they attempted to muscle in on a kill – only to be chased away by a pack of angry hyenas.

The incredible footage was captured by a tourist to the Kruger National Park in South Africa, who filmed the moment the big cats misread the situation and approached the fallen buffalo.

Acknowledging the presence of three fierce predators, the hyenas sensibly retreat at first and allow the lions to feed on the dead animal.

Step aside: The pride of lions wander over to the dead buffalo and force the pack of hyenas to retreat

Not so fast: The hyenas are not prepared to give up their kill this easily and slowly begin circling the three lions

Strategic attack: The hyenas begin nipping the big cats while being careful not to get bitten in the process

However, they are not prepared to give up their kill this easily and after appearing to formulate a plan in their heads, begin to circle the lions.

The hyenas then strategically begin nipping the big cats as they try and feed in peace while being careful not to get bitten in the process.

Before long the pestering becomes more intense until one of the lions is bitten perhaps a little harder than it would have liked.

Reacting angrily the lion rears up at the hyenas who respond with an equal amount of aggression and force it to retreat.

Before long the pestering becomes more intense until one of the lions gets bitten a little bit harder

I’m out of here: Reacting angrily the lion rears up at the hyenas who respond with an equal amount of aggression and force it to retreat

Sensing a shift in dominance the pack then put their numbers to use and chase the lion from the area with its tail between its legs.

Now that the threat has been reduced to two the pack return and begin picking on one of the remaining predators.

The unsettled lion is quick to react however when receiving a bite to its back and flees before the vast majority of hyenas have returned from chasing the first lion away.

The last lion is now in a dangerous situation and can be seen getting picked off already, despite only being circled by four hyenas.

Sensing a shift in dominance the pack put their numbers to use and chase one of the three lions away

Now the threat has been reduced the pack return and begin picking on another lion, who makes a quick exit

The big cat does its best to fight the threat that comes from every angle before the rest of the pack return and immediately spring an attack.

The lion is forced up on top of the buffalo before it then decides to run away.

The show of submission only causes the hyenas to become more aggressive and they continue to bite the big cat from every angle as it tries to escape.

The clip concludes with the lion fleeing the area with the angry pack hot on its heels.

The last lion is now in a dangerous situation and after being forced on top of the dead buffalo is chased away

See ya: The clip concludes with the lion fleeing the area with the angry pack of hyenas hot on its heels

Fisherman Trying To Pull In A Gator Out Of A Canoe Gets Knocked Into Water

Well, that is just straight up terrifying.

I’m not entirely sure if this dude was just fishing and hooked into a gator, or was actively hunting alligators, but either way, it’s not a spot I want to be in.

Sure, it would be cool to hunt them, but getting thrown into the water is definitely a line I don’t want to cross.

But of course, there’s ways to avoid that, like using a more stable boat than a canoe…

Alligators can grow huge, up to 15 feet long and over 1,000 pounds. They are powerful creatures they lunge fast in water and on land when attacking.

Their most powerful weapon in an attack is their bite, which is one of the strongest in the world. It has been measured up to 2,000 pounds per square inch.

These are apex predators in their environments, capable of doing lots of damage.

Hunting for gators is done for a variety of reasons from commercial to population control. People set bait for the alligators then pull them in and shoot them. They can be eaten and used for other products and have highly monitored seasons and limits in area’s they are hunted.

This video shows a man pulling in a gator standing at the very front of a canoe with what looks like some kind of spear.

You can’t get much more unstable than that, but then add in an angry gator to the mix? Let’s see what happens…

As he pulls in the line, the gator, flips and flops and nails the side of the canoe, sending the man flying out of the canoe and into the water seemingly landing right on the gator.