A Tragic Tale: Heroic Mother Dog Perishes from Starvation and Cold While Protecting Her Seven Puppies

A resident of the Krasnoyarsk region witnessed cute little puppies snuggling up to their mother’s body in an attempt to keep warm and cozy.

Seven puppies, four males and three females, were discovered next to their motionless mother dog in -20C weather by a resident of Yemelyanovo, a settlement north of the regional capital Krasnoyarsk. The puppies are in good health, but their mother tragically froze to death after becoming too hungry and exhausted. Volunteers are calling for new homes for the puppies in the hopes of a Christmas miracle. It is unclear what caused the mother dog’s death, leading some locals to believe she may have been poisoned by heartless individuals. Homeless_Dog_Krsk, the owners of the rescued puppies, organized a fundraising campaign and spent two days trying to catch the puppies who refused to leave their mother’s frozen body.

After being rescued, they were brought to a warm shelter where they received nourishing food and first aid. The shelter staff described them as having fluffy fur and a good undercoat, with an average size that would make them suitable as both flat pets and security guards. The staff also mentioned that they are searching for new owners and would monitor the puppies’ progress without interfering. In addition, they offer assistance with sterilization in the future. To contribute to the shelter or assist with the puppies, contact Homeless Dogs Krasnoayrsk.
