Humpback Whale Jumps Out of Water Next to Tour Boat and Waves at Stunned Onlookers

Whale photographer Jodi Frediani captured the moment with her camera from another boat nearby in the waters near Monterey Bay, California

A boat full of whale watchers got a spectacular view when a humpback whale breached close to their ship.

In a series of photos of the stunning event in Monterey Bay, California, the whale — a 4-year-old female named Murph — jumps out of the ocean, her large body towering over the boat full of camera-ready whale watchers.

In one picture, Murph appears to be feet from the tour boat, almost touching the vessel with a waving flipper. After putting on a show, Murph flipped her tail and dove back into the water, leaving a large splash behind her.

The moment was captured by 74-year-old whale photographer Jodi Frediani, who had been on a separate boat witnessing the event.

Two whales had been swimming and feasting on anchovies by Frediani’s boat prior to the incident.

Fredani, who has been swimming with and photographing humpbacks for 18 years, captured similar scenes before in Monterey Bay, including an incident in 2018 when a different humpback whale came in close proximity to a tour boat.

“Humpback whales don’t deliberately threaten humans — they are good at navigating around stationary boats in the water,” Frediani told PEOPLE at the time. “I am never afraid when I see them up close. Rather, I’m amazed and overjoyed by their power and magnificence.”

She said humpback whales can often find themselves close to boats while trying to capture fish.

“Most people scream and squeal when a whale suddenly pops up close to the boat,” Frediani said. “We try to follow the guidelines, staying 100 yards away, but the feeding action is very fluid, and sometimes the fish try to hide under the boat. Then the following whales may suddenly lunge close by.”

Fredian told PEOPLE that she hoped her photos “inspire people to want to protect humpback whales, their food source, and our oceans.”