Unveiling the Unimaginable: 10 Breathtaking Real Locations on Earth That Defy Scientific Explanation!

Have you ever heard about places whose existence seems to be scientifically impossible? If not then here we will share with you Ten Scientifically Impossible Places In The World which will surely amaze you with their existence.

1. Mount Roraima – This place is amazing as it can be said as all new world in itself. There are so many things that make it different; some of them are flat Tall Mountain and its own ecosystem. Along with this, one can find various unique kinds of flora, and fauna. The flat mountain situated here is said to be 200 hundred years old has inspired many movies like the lost world and up.

Img Source – IBTimes Singapore

2. Ram Setu – A lot of stories are there about Ram setu that we have read or heard from history. It has a special mention in Ramayan. Ram setu was a bridge that was created between India and Srilanka by Ram and his warriors. Scientific studies say that this bridge was made by rocks and has now disappeared due to changes in weather. It is also noted that the bridge was created above water level and was walkable until 15 century.

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3. Moving Mountain – These mountains are moving every year at a speed of 20m and about 66 feet. According to some stories, even after taking a handful of sand from the location it continued to move. It also changes shape and size every ten years. Plus it is expected due to some volcanic eruption.

Img Source – Budget Wayfarers

4. Magnetic Hill – Do you want to explore then this hill is located near Leh highway. Even after closing down the car, it has been seen moving without any efforts at a speed of 12.5 km per hour.

Img Source – Youtube

5. Sea Splits Into Two – The city of Panama once suffered from tremendous rainfall which in turn affected the city badly leaving hundreds of people homeless. But once the flood water went through, people over here experienced a small island of half a kilometer long like structure which made the sea to split into two halves.

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6. Blood Falls – This might appear like something unusual right. But there is a blood fall in Antarctica which has raised many eyebrows all over the world. But now the mystery has been solved. As per the research, this change happened due to iron oxide present in the rock that looks like blood.

Img Source – Curiosity

7. Kelemutu Indonesia – Indonesia is known for its flora and fauna. But there is one more thing that is making it more famous. After one volcanic eruption, three lakes were formed of three different colours that are red, blue and black. Even sometimes the color also changes with time. It is among one of the Ten Scientifically Impossible Places In The World.

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8. Floating Island – This is located in Northeast India is made up of vegetation, soil, and various other organic matter. It is circular in shape and once the areas get dried up the island surface is seen to come up to absorb the nutrient. The base of the island moves and is also the only source of water and food. Even a school is also located on one of these floating islands.

Img Source – Grunge

9. Superstition Mountain – This Mountain is located in the USA and is known as Superstition Mountain. Jacob robes identified these mountains and a giant gold mine. It is said that he has taken the address of the same with him. Many expeditions were carried out to find teh originality, but everything went on vain as nothing could be recovered.

10. Turkmenistan Gates of Hell –It is famous as Gates of Hell as it is covered with fire from 40 years. The site came into the picture when it was discovered by Soviet naturalist. The reason for this fire was an experiment when an action was made just to light up the surroundings to enhance the visibility, but until then it is burning without any flaw.

So, how was your experience with these Ten Scientifically Impossible Places In The World ?